New* jack patterns and weaponsfor IKRPG 2D6 testing thread

Good catch

The comparison is made since it does not attatch underarm, it takes the arm spot instead

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Change light round for heavy round and five rounds for 5Gc to a round for a1Gc.

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Cost: 7605Gc (3500 chassis + 2500 cortex +2x 365 Brawlers fist +875 Enhanced actuators)
Description: This warjack was meant to be a superiority unarmed melee fighter, and a cheap way to allow infantry and support elements to neutralize heavy steamjacks with safety or stall them to allow for a safe retreat, it is not well regarded even though it does its job well, most likely for not functioning that well in traditional military doctrine and needing unorthodox tactics, even though they don’t come standard with a CRA(combat reflex array) it is a common upgrade for those who use this machine.
The Brawler is equipped with a pair of Brawlers fists and Enhanced actuators by default, The Brawler uses the Talon as a chassis
Cortex: Aurum grade

Brawlers fists
Cost: 365(Light) 530(Heavy)
Type: Melee
Location: Arm
Attack modifier: 0
Pow: 3(Light)4(Heavy)
Description: A modifies arm with strong armored fingers and reinforced hull, used to enhance a steamjack’s unarmed melee capabilities, they are rather poor at handling handheld weapons, and are better used in pairs
Special rules: This weapon is an open fist.
When using a pair of those weapons this steamjack power attacks damage rolls gain a +2 to the roll, and when performing a lock maneuver it gains an additional die and discards the lowest.
When used in pairs and neither are crippled this steamjack gains +2 ARM against melee attacks originating from its front arc.
When attacking with a handheld weapon held by this weapon it gains an additional die and discards the highest.
Mounting this weapon on a steamjack chassis requires the mechanik to remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it with the Brawler’s fist (see “Removing or Replacing Arms” in the Steamjacks section of Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules).
Replacing a steamjack’s arm system with a Brawler’s fist costs an additional 60 gc unless the character does the job himself.

Enhanced actuators
Cost: ¼ of chassis cost
Description: this upgrade is a full rework of all of the steamjacks pneumatic fittings and pistons with the aim of increasing its potency, however it does increase the speed of fuel consumption.
Special rules: a steamjack with this upgrade gain +1 STR.
A steamjack with this upgrade consumes all its fuel 25% faster.
Adding Enhanced actuators to a steamjack requires the proper tools, six hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 16. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have Enhanced actuators added to a steamjack costs an additional 175 gc.

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Steamjack technology does not use servomotors, they use a pneumatic system powered by steam, so this should be to be reworded as “pneumatic fittings and pistons.”

“Servomotors” might be a description that is only fitting for Iosan myrmidons, really. For Cyrissist vectors, the term “gear train” would be be an appropriate choice, I think.

If you want the entry to remain general, “power systems” would probably cover every iteration of 'jack.

Good catch thats me being inatentive

Cost: 6270 (3000 chassis +2500 cortex + 120 battle ax + 150 scattershot canon +500 enhanced leg servitors)
Description: A cheap ship assault warjack, the Boarder, it has a high maneuverability and serviçable weapons, it is loved by pirates and privateers since its leg upgrade allow it to jump to and from ships decks to other ships, has become rather taboo buying one in certain places, since they have become associated with piracy.
The Boarder is armed with a Boarding axe(Reskinned Battle axe from Iron kingdom: Kings nations and gods page 102) on its right arm and a scattershot cannon on its left, and it has the enhanced leg servos(Iron specter’s tome of necromechanikal and other iron kingdoms oddities) upgrade by default, The boarder uses the Seafarer as a chassis.
Cortex: Aurum grade

Enhanced leg servos(Light only)
Cost: 500gc
Description: powerful reinforced pistons added to the legs of a light steamjack allowing it to jump great distances.
Special rules: At any point of this character activation it may, once, be placed up to 5” from its current position, effects that would prevent charging also prevent this effect, additionaly the steamjack may not use this ability in a turn in wich it ran, charged or slammed.
Adding Enhanced leg servitors to a steamjack requires the proper tools, six hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Having Enhanced leg servitors integrated into a steamjack costs an additional 80 gc.

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Surely those are supposed to be “leg servos,” not “leg servitors,” or possibly “jump pistons” instead?

Also, the Minuteman’s propulsion pack from Kings, Nations, Gods, p. 104, could just as easily be used for the Boarder.

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Yes thats me being bad at naming

Strictily rules wise yes, butsincevthis is an RPG and there are times when the Propulsion pack would be usefull and the Enhanced leg servos would not, and it also has to do with the fantasy i’m selling on the item, the propulsion pack seems more advanced, but the leg servos are more “grounded” pun not intended

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Last of the lights as in 14/05/2024

Cost: 6440 (3000 chassis +2500 cortex +140 spear +350 shield + 450 Defensive reflex array)
Description: The Deckguard was created as a cheap bodyguard warjack for naval warcasters, it is a serviçable platform, not really an stand out model, it was designed and made by demand from the waterbound mercantile organizations needing a cheap to buy and maintain, easily repairable, customizable and inconspicuous machine that wouldn’t call to much attention anywhere, its heavily speculated that it weapon choice was inspired by the venerable talon, but removing anything expensive, it was chosen to fashion its spear head in a trident shape to honor its original commissioners the Maritime order of the trident arcanists.
The Deckguard is armed with a Trident (spear) on the right arm, a shield on its left, and a Defensive reflex array(Iron kingdoms: kings, nations and gods page 110) by default, and the Deckguard uses the Seafarer as a chassis.
Cortex: Aurum grade

historical tangent: to my knoledge instances of tridents being only used as weapons were only recorded in a type of gladiator in rome, one of its advantages agains spears i being a better throwing weapon, and not by much, and better at controling other weapons at the tip, the gladiators that were armed with it, were armed for being a novelty weapon, gladiatorial combat was as much about novelty and showmanship as combat prowess, so i elected to not make a trident weapon since well in nearly all aspects is the same as a spear

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I like the Boarder and its concept, but the upgrade seems strictly superior to the propulsion pack.

Nice , a bodyguard that does not mind a little water.

Its very similar, it may be aquestion of raising its price
It is a free once per turn 5" placement, and more versatile it is more expensive but maybe not enough.
Tge propulsion pack is not limited by any constraints on charges wich is a rather powerfull effect.
But yet again its hard to balance those rather insubsantial factors, but i may have a solution to solve it

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Added the constrain of not being usable n a turn in wich the steamjack ran, charged or slammed

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That sound reasonable

The Deckguard is meant to be a cheap, reliable, generalist and with wide enough customer base that it should be a main line product of a defense systems company, its easy money

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This one is weird

Cost: 13145 (7000 Chassis + 2500 Cortex + 275 Battle blade + 870 Pirates claw + 450 “Lector’s locks” dual deck sweeper guns + 450 Raiding protocols module + 250 Jury rigged boiler)
Description: Created for pirate crews that want a powerful combat machine, they are one of the few production models of mainland warjacks thar use a head mounted weapon system, incredibly dangerous, however they are rare for it has a high price, and they are made to be easily modifiable so crews can customize even further, normally the prized warjacks of Pirate fleet captains, even mainline military steamjacks of the nations of the iron kingdoms must tackle them with care and respect or risk being scraped by an glorified “laborjack”, many arrogant naval official learned this lesson when their prized main line heavy warjack fell under a Corsair’s assault.
The Corsair is armed with a curved battle blade on its right arm, a Pirate’s claw on its left, a “Lector’s locks” dual deck sweeper guns(Iron specter’s tome of necromechanikal and other iron kingdoms oddities) on its head a jury rigged boiler(Iron kingdoms kings nations and gods page 315) and a Raiding protocols module by default, The Corsair uses a mariner as its chassis.
Cortex: Aurum grade

Corsairs are money sinks, it’s incredibly rare to find a stock one, majority has been modified in some way, and acquiring one from a seller or manufacturer is not an easy task, normally the few places that sell them only do it to trusted buyers.

Pirate’s claw(Heavy only)
Cost: 870
Type: ranged
Location: Arm
Ammo: 1
Effective range: 48’(8")
Maximum range: 240
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 14
AoE: -
Description: This horrific modified jacks arm is composed of a large arm with an in built canon, and its hand is a cruel zygodactyl claw, with a horrid surprise in wating for those who are caught by it.
Special rules: This weapon is an open fist.
The reloading of the weapon takes a full action and the steamjack lacks the necessary dexterity to do so.
It costs 15 Gc for charges, primer and shells for each shot.
This weapon can be used as a melee weapon it uses the Jack’s and has an attack modifier of -1 and a POW of 4.
When this weapon scores a critical hit in melee if this weapon has ammo you may choose to make a ranged attack against the target of that melee attack, the attack automatically hits the target, and you half the armor of the target during that ranged attack damage calculation and ignores ARM bonuses granted by shields or bucklers.
This weapon may not hold other weapons.
This weapon may not reciva any arm upgrade.
Mounting this weapon on a steamjack chassis requires the mechanik to remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it with the Pirate’s claw (see “Removing or Replacing Arms” in the Steamjacks section of Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules), adding a pirate’s claw to a non mariner steamjack takes double the amount of time.
Replacing a steamjack’s arm system with a Pirate’s claw costs an additional 60 gc, if it’s a mariner steamjack, if not it costs an additional 100 Gc, unless the character does the job himself.

“Lector’s Locks” Dual deck sweeper guns(Heavy steamjack only)
Cost: 450
Type: ranged
Location: head
Ammo: 2
Effective range: 36’(spry6")
Maximun range: -
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 12
AoE: -
Description: a crude pair of bore loaded scatterguns mounted in parallel on a ‘jacks head, normally on opposite sides, nicknamed after the infamous pirate Edward Lector, who first used and later popularized this modification in 576AR.
Special rules: A steamjack who discharges both barrels together makes a single spray attack, adds +3 to all damage rolls(because of projectile saturation it ignores the -2 to hit roll this rule normally incurs).
Reloading each barrel of this weapon takes an assistant a full round.
A steamjack may buy a second attack with this weapon or make a second attack with the ancillary attack drive.
Blasting powder, casing and projectiles for a round of ammunition costs 5gc.
Mounting a Dual deck Sweeper guns on a steamjack requires the proper tools, two hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have a Dual deck Sweeper guns mounted on a steamjack costs an additional 100 gc.

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A very scary 'jack

Now if only i could get myself together and finish the last two of my four mariner variants.

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I may have bought a few thngs for an RPG event, hope they reach me in time (the company says 36 days) the event is at mid july but i stll have to recive the last one i bought from them, but that was brcause Brazil governament fuckery…

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i create when i have a clear vizion on the jack an what it does so i don’t just overwhelm myself with projectes

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Oh I do know exactly what they should do. I just somtimes gets a lot of ideas and just write them down as notes until I can get back to them or realise it was a stupid idea.

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I know that quiet well, itrued to creat an master infernalist carrer, it wasn’t quier working right and too situatinal and complex

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