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CommunityCommunity discussions go here.
Iron KingdomsWhether you’ve got questions about RPG rules or the setting, a tall tale to share, or you just want to tell everyone about your character, you’ve come to the right place!
WarmachineThis is the place to discuss all things WARMACHINE! Rules questions? Searching for info on the setting? Ask here and get official answers from Infernal Rules Masters and Privateer staff members. Paint just dried on your latest miniature masterpiece? Share it here for all to ogle! Looking for strategy or hobby tips? Your community has your back!
Hobby CornerHobby discussions go here.
WarcasterWarcasters, unite! Talk rules and strategy for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika, here. Show off your latest hobby projects. And dig into the lore of the Hyperuranion as we search the Thousand Worlds for the secrets of the past.
MonsterpocalypseDiscuss the latest new, rules, and releases for Monsterpocalypse, here! Got questions? Get answers! Painted something recently? Unleash it on the world, here!
Riot QuestDiscuss all things related to the super-best booty-fest in the Iron Kingdoms, the heists, the loot and show off your best painted heroes!