New* jack patterns and weaponsfor IKRPG 2D6 testing thread

So i’m creating this thread to see from others my new jack designs and weapons, and for those who want to use them to find them

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Cost: 7155 Gc (3500 Chassis + 2500 Cortex + 155 Battle cleaver + 550 Firestrike gauntlet + 450 Raiding protocol module)
Description: The plunderer is a common variant of the venerable Talon, with a dark reputation, for being commonly used in terrorizing civilian populations, and being rather simple to maintain outside of the chassis the most expensive parts are the raiding protocols module and its firestrike gauntlet, many mercenary companies avoid using them without employee approval.
The plunderer is armed with Battle cleaver on its right arm, and a flamestrike gauntlet on its left arm, and has an Raiding Protocol Module installed by default and the Plunderer uses the talon as a chassis
Cortex: Aurum grade

Weapons and Gear
Battle cleaver
Cost: 155(Light) 230 (Heavy)
Type: Melee
Location: Arm
Attack modifier: 0
Pow: 4(Light) 5(Heavy)
Description: a heavy and broad blade made for steam jacks.
Special rules: When an attack with a battle cleaver is a critical hit it gains an additional damage die.
A steamjack must have a non-crippled arm system with an Open Fist to pick up the Battle cleaver. While wielding the Battle cleaver, the steamjack cannot make attacks with the fist that holds the weapon. If the arm system holding the Battle cleaver is crippled, the steamjack can continue fighting with the weapon but suffers the penalties for the crippled system.

Firestrike gauntlet(Light only)
Cost: 550
Type: ranged
Location: Arm
Ammo: 2
Effective range: 36’'(Spay 6”)
Maximum range:-
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 12
AoE: -
Description: an jack arm made to increase versatility and defenses, it is reinforced has large armored fingers and a attached flamethrower, it has less range, fuel and versatility than a comon jack one and is prone to explode when crippled, however it is rather clumsy and can’t hold weapons.
Special rules: this weapon can only fire once per turn.
This weapon ranged attacks does fire damage.
In a critical hit characters suffer fire continuous effect.
Reloading this weapon outside of combat takes 20 minutes and any character with Mechanikal engineering can do it without a dice roll.
This weapon is an open fist.
When this weapon arm is crippled roll a D6 if the result is equal or less than Ammo it has left this weapon fuel tanks explode, center a 4” AoE on this jack and all models hit suffer a unboostable POW 14 fire damage roll, and all ammo it had remaining on the weapon is lost.
While this system is not crippled this jack gains +2 ARM against melee attacks originating on its front arc.
This weapon can be used to make Melee attacks it has a Pow of 2 and uses a Jack’s MAT
This arm cannot wield weapons or shields.
When this steamjack makes a non attack check with this arm it adds an additional dice and discards the highest.
This arm may not be modified by any arm upgrade.
Mounting this weapon on a steamjack chassis requires the mechanik to remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it with the Firestrike gauntlet (see “Removing or Replacing Arms” in the Steamjacks section of Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules).
Replacing a steamjack’s arm system with a Firestrike gauntlet costs an additional 60 gc unless the character does the job himself.
Each flamethrower spray costs 10 Gc

Raiding protocol module
Cost: 450
Description: this is a strange cortex attachment, it allows the jack to fire on the approach and ignore terrain while charging.
Special rules: While the steamjack cortex is not crippled it gains the relentless charge (Iron kingdoms unleashed page 164) ability.
While the cortex is not crippled and this jack’s makes a charge after finishing its charge move it may make a ranged attack roll before its melee attacks if the charge was successful, if it failed it may make the attack before ending its activation.
Integrating a Raiding protocol module into a steamjack requires the proper tools,
four hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll
against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Having a Raiding protocol module integrated into a steamjack costs an additional 60 gc

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Cost: 7150 Gc (3500 Chassis + 2500 Cortex +300 Flamethrower + 500 assault shield + 350 Burning field system)
Description: The purger’s are made to deal with entrenched enemies, it relies heavily on fire based systems, even though they are considered cruel machines by Cygnar, they are rather effective at their jobs, and any enemy in fortifications would hate seeing one approaching its position.
The purge is armed with a flamethrower on its right arm, an assault shield(Iron kingdoms: Kings nations and gods page 101) on its left and a burning field system on its shoulders by default, the Purger uses the talon chassis.
Cortex: Aurum grade

Burning field System
Cost: 350
Description: a strange deployment system placed on a jacks shoulders, when activated it releases rapidly a cloud of barely visible odorless sticky and highly flammable powdered alchemical compound in a 12 Feet radius around the jack, than it releases a spark igniting the compound, this system has enough clearance that it should not affect the steamjack.
Special rules: At any time during this steamjack’s activation it may release the compound all other characters than the steamjack within 1” suffer a POW 12 fire damage roll, and all other characters than the steamjack within 2” suffer the continuous effect fire.
This weapon only has compound and propellant for a single release.
Any character with mechanikal engineering can reload the compound and propellant, it takes 15 minutes outside of combat and cannot be done in combat.
The compound and propellant cost 21Gc per use.
To produce the compound and propellant is the same process of creating Vitriolic fire
This system is shoulder mounted and not compatible with other shoulder mounted systems.
Integrating a Burning field system into a steamjack requires the proper tools, four hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have a Burning field system added to a steamjack costs an additional 60 gc.


Personally, I’d strongly suggest that not every weapon needs be given special abilities; even some famous warjacks simply wield standard steamjack melee weapons that are simply given some flavour text. And while there is precedent for a melee weapon that deals an additional die of damage on a critical hit in the great axe (see IKRPG, pp. 253-254), this is also a two-handed weapon and thus still quite different from what a steamjack wields in one hand; also, the great axe costs three times as much as a standard one-handed axe, and thus a battle cleaver with the same ability should be at least 240 gc (see light steamjack hand weapon, IKRPG, pp. 307-308), and potentially even more expensive considering POW is also increased.

But personally, I’d simply call the battle cleaver a nasty weapon and say it uses steamjack hand weapon rules.

I think the firestrike gauntlet is way underpriced, as it combines the functionalities of a shield (350 gc; IKRPG, p. 308), an open fist (350 gc for a Talon; see IKRPG, p. 302 and p. 319), and a light flamethrower (probably around 50 gc; see IKRPG, p. 309). The purported clumsiness is also poorly reflected by the rules, as the only effect seems to be that the open fist cannot pick up weapons but does not suffer any other penalties like attack roll or power attack penalties.

The burning field looks okay-ish to me, though I’m missing in the flavour text who uses the design (it feels rather Menite; each of the Iron Kingdoms usually has a rather fixed military doctrine, so I’d be hesitant to allow the design for anybody but Menites and maybe mercenaries).

Additionally, there are three rules issues I’d like to address:

  • I’d replace “characters within 1” with “characters in B2B with this character” as per the grenade field rules (see IKKNG, pp. 110-111).
  • It should probably be “all characters within 2"”, not “all other characters within 2"”, as the latter suggests only characters on the outer perimeter of the field suffer the Fire continuous effect, while those close to the 'jack do not (and the Fire continuous effect is generally worse than a single Fire damage roll, as it can keep going until the target is consumed).
  • Also, as per the wording, it feels like the purger itself should not be immune to its own burning field, which could be fitting for a weapon of last resort (i.e. the steamjack has charged into the middle of an enemy formation).

The rules need to state what the Relentless Charge ability is (This is usually done in published materials and occasionally very necessary because sometimes abilities are different even if they have the same name, e.g. Amphibious for bog trogs and gatormen).

Alternatively, a page reference for the ability’s rules should be provided.

The idea was to be a new weapon

Great axe has also double the POW and we have a somewhat similar dicotomy greatsword 20GC 2 handed POW 6 reach and great axe 25 GC 2 handed POW 6 crit brutal, and i used the warjack spear as a base 140 POW 4 reach and set defense compared to Battle cleaver 135 POW 4 crit brutal, i did mix up the prices of great axe and great sword so i have no problem uping the price of the battle cleaver

Agreed, i expected that

It gives the unyelding ability wich is arguably worse than a shield so not add the full 350 but up to 250

The idea is to still be combat viable, however with limitation and worse in outside battle situations

The idea is to be diferent not just grenade field but fire, since having a damage type other than magical is a downside generaly

It was suposed to exclude the jack

The idea is that it has just enough clearing to miss the jack

I was just lazy and forgot to check if it was an ability in game

I like the ’jacks. Both have their own distinct style and bag of tricks.

Firestrike gauntlet

When this steamjack makes a non attack prowess check with this arm it adds an additional dice and discards the highest.

I am unsure what this does, generally Prowess is only used for melee attacks and Initiative. If you want the hand to be less nimple, then like the punching spike, the penelty would fit better for AGL.

Might just change to non-attack tests

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so starting next 'Jack(there are 7 more in the wing(Bulletstorm, Brawler, Boarder, Deckguard, Corsair, Lion and Brute)

Eagle eye
Cost: 6420 (3500 Chassi + 2500 Cortex +340 sniper canon + 80 hand weapon)
Description: one of the cheapest warjacks ever commissioned by a human nation since it was expected to undertake dangerous missions without support so if it was lost to lessen its burden, it is a rather effective warjack, however their simplicity makes them limited, meant as a sniping platform it was given an aptly named sniper canon and a simple hand weapon to deal with advance light elements
The Eagle eye is armed with a sniper canon on its right arm and a hand weapon, fashioned into a sturdy combat knife on its left arm, it has no other default upgrades, and uses the Talon as a chassis
Cortex: Aurum grade

Sniper cannon
Cost: 340Gc
Type: ranged
Location: Arm
Ammo: 5
Effective range: 84’(14”)
Maximum range: 420’
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 13
AoE: -
Description: the predecessor of the cygnaran long arm, meant to be a long range precision weapon,it performed admirably and was only phased out with the removal of the talon as a mainline chassi,and newer and better weapons system entering service.
Special rules: This weapon can only fire once per round.
When this Steamjack aims it gains an additional +1 to its attack rolls with this weapon.
In a critical hit with this weapon, the character hit cannot make tough rolls or regain vitality for a round.
Reloading this weapon outside of combat takes 5 minutes and any character with mechanical engineering can do it without a die roll.
Casing, powder and projectiles for heavy rounds costs 5 Gc.
Mounting this weapon on a steamjack chassis requires the mechanik to remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it with the Sniper canon (see “Removing or Replacing Arms” in the Steamjacks section of Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules).
Replacing a steamjack’s arm system with a sniper canon costs an additional 60 gc unless the character does the job himself.

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Corrections to Plunderer

Jack’s price updated to reflect new increases on Battle cleaver and Firestrike gauntlet

Price increase from 135(light) 200(Heavy) to 155(Light) 230(Heavy)

Price increased from 390 to 550

Non attack Prowess checks changet to Non attack checks

Relentless charge now states the Page and book to reffer to what the ability does(yes i used the unleashed version, because thats the book i have downloades in english my IK FMF is in portuguese)

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All instances of all other characters changed to all other characters than the steamjack for clarity( designers blindspot in action)
No other change was made since the rest is working as intended

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What a mad lad, being the change you want to see in the world.

A pretty nice weapon for a light warjack, if you cant get your hands on a long arm and the crit effect gives it a nice edge against warbeasts and things that heals or have tough.

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It may or not have started based on the talk other day that the talon has no variants…
And if all go acording o plan they may get 3D models…
Bulletstorm and Brawler are also on the talon chassi, Boarder and Deckguard are on the seafarer(Buccaneer), Corsair is a mariner, Lion a Nomad, and Brute a toro(sort of trying to copy a juggernaut)

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And the plunderer may have come from making his head resemble a historic “viking helm” or similarto the raging wolf helm from eden ring, and his name was suposed to be Raider, but the MKIV gravediggers beat me to the punch…
And the eagle eye was called Raptor, but MKIV cryx beat me to the punch also…(no they didn’t i knew of the raptor bonejack, but the bastard scaped from my mind and so for like an hour max he was called Raptor)

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Interesting! I look forward to seeing them.

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More Designers blind spots

Firestrike gauntlet

Added “originating on its front arc” to the “+2 ARM against melee attacks” now it only has the advantage of ignoring chain weapons on the trade off of doing nothing to special damages such as the Heavy boiler Vent steam and likes, all ranged and magical attacks and other situaltional stuff

This is to represent the unyelding warmachine advantage wich mid MKIII changed from + 2ARM while engaged to +2 ARM against melee attacks, arcs be damned, the change was made to make it a slight buff/sidegrade and give less edge cases

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Cost: 6920 Gc (3500 chassis + 2500 cortex +2x 235 Fury machine guns +450 Close quarters aim compensators)
Description: The bulletstorm started with a good idea, a fire support suppression warjack, however the greater minds at work on its creation, made a few mistakes, one was the choice of main armament, a pair of Fury machine guns which because of shoddy testing took way too long to discover their fatal flaw of being prone to jam when not stationary, and the decision of not giving it a close quarter weapon, doomed the entire first batch when many reports of unneeded casualties arose from soldiers trying to unjam its weapons, or the jacks itselves being destroyed in the field by being nearly helpless in melee, those facts tarnished heavenly its reputation, granted most of those problems were solved in the second batch or with doctrinal changes, the damage was done, and this Warjack atrocious reputation may have influenced the main line warjack design to stray from ranged centric loadouts without melee capabilities even if tokenized ones.
The Bulletstorm is armed with a pair of Fury machine guns, and second batch or latter models are always equipped with a Close quarter aim compensator by default, The Bulletstorm and uses the talon as a chassis.
Cortex: Aurum grade

Since the first batch, around 20 warjacks were not equipped by default with CQAC(Close quarter aim compensators) you may find an old one without those systems, either salvaged, bought, gifted or acquired illegally from its storage facilities, if your players are buying one of those relics discount the CQAC from its price.

Fury machine gun(Light only)
Cost: 235Gc
Type: ranged
Location: Arm
Ammo: 32
Effective range: 60’(10”)
Maximum range: 300’
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 12
AoE: -
Description: this slugger like weapon was designed to be used by the Bulletstorm light jack, if you look at hard specs it appears to be superior to a sentinel chain gun, however its soft factors make it a horribly unreliable gun, that shoddy testing failed to account and many a soldier were surprised by this machine simply failing out of nowhere.
Special rules: This weapon can only be fired once per round. However, when the weapon is fired, the steamjack can use Burst Fire. When the steamjack uses Burst Fire, it makes D3+1 attacks but expends eight rounds of ammunition. These attacks must target a primary target and any number of secondary targets within 2˝ of the primary target. Ignore intervening characters when declaring secondary targets. A secondary target cannot be targeted by more attacks than the primary target, when you use a burst fire attack and the jack has not sacrificed its movement action this turn, after the attack is made roll a D6 in a result of 1 or 2 the gun jams, and cannot fire until unjammed.
Unjamming the fury machine gun in combat takes a Full action from another character B2B with the steamjack with this weapon and succeeding in a Mechanikal engineering or gunsmithing test of difficulty 14, outside of combat it takes five minutes and can be made by any character.
Reloading this weapon outside of combat takes 5 minutes and any character with mechanical engineering can do it without a die roll.
Casing, powder and projectiles for a heavy round costs 1 Gc.
Mounting this weapon on a steamjack chassis requires the mechanik to remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it with the Fury machine gun (see “Removing or Replacing Arms” in the Steamjacks section of Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules).
Replacing a steamjack’s arm system with a Fury machine gun costs an additional 60 gc unless the character does the job himself.

Close quarter aim compensator
Cost: 450Gc
Description: An emergency solution designed and added to the Bulletstorm when it ended up in more close quarter situations than expected, it allows the steamjack to compensate for rapid moving targets at short ranges so using its ranged weapons in point blank range.
Special rules: a steamjack with this upgrade may use its ranged weapons while engaged without penalty, however it must target only characters that are engaging it while engaged.
Integrating a Close quarter aim compensator into a steamjack requires the proper tools, four hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have a Close quarter aim compensator system added to a steamjack costs an additional 80 gc.

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Not a mistake its planned to make only 4 bursts.(statisticaly it shouldn’t make 4 bursts in a single combat with each weapon)

He is ment to be questionable 'jack, and a gamblers friend

It does seem a cheaper and better sentinel chain gun but 1 less potential burst and risking losing a turn of shooting or having someone babysit it, if it want it to move, and its a full action to unjamm and a test, the babysitter fails the test another full action wasted.

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Light dakka 'jack, nice.

Its stats are more akin to the metal storm, given it has pow 12, while the sentinel chain gun has pow 10. If that is intended, it should properly use heavy rounds insted of light rounds.

A very usefull upgrade.