Everblight, You know the score

So is this about right?

Absylonia (Blighterghast meal)
Rhys (Khymera crew)
Saeryn (Khymera crew)
Fyanaa (Khymera crew)
Kryssa (Khymera crew)
Anamag dead, d-e-e-d, dead
Bethanye (Everblight crew)
Kallyus (Everblight crew)
Lylyth (Everblight crew)
Thagrosh (Everblight crew)
Vayle (Everblight crew)

Eiryss, Echo of Everblight (should be a Mark IV) thing.


Spoilers for everybody who has not followed Emergence. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not quite correct. It’s more like this:

Rhyas (defected)
Saeryn (defected)

Absylonia (death by Blighterghast, shard consumed by him)
Anamag (killed by Rhyas, with assistance from Blighterghast, shard unaccounted for in the story)
Fyanna (killed by Rhyas, shard consumed by the Twins)

All still around as far we know:

Eiryss, Echo of Everblight – No clue what you’re talking about. :slight_smile:


Anamag doesn’t have a shard, that’s called out in the story. She was a Dhunian priestess who used some sort of blighted blood magic, she never got a shard


I’ll go dig up that book later, but she had to have a shard. Everblight engineered his dragonspawn to require them. Plus, given his control issues, he’d never let a non-sharded warlock have any of his forces. :slight_smile:

From No Quarter Prime #5’s entry on Anamag:


While it does not strictly (and boringly) say “Everblight gave her a shard of his athanc, and that was how she gained magic”, his “gift” has been defined as exactly that in various other stories, and ogrun (up until the D&D 5E material) simply could not use magic otherwise.

The simplest explanation is that she had a shard. (I’ll poke around and see if I can find an explicit reference.)


That’s why she’s deed.

The power of a good blighted diet mixed in with PP teasing us. They’re naughty like that.

Eyriss needs to accept Everblight into her heart :sparkling_heart: and bring her sword :dagger: too.

Oh, that. Right, I forgot about that. That’s an alternate history caster that was created for the proto-Lock & Load event back in like 2008. :laughing: Those eventually got released as the alt history casters in late MK II.

She is severely non-canon. :rofl:


This is from Emergence Pt 4


I read part 4, but … I absolutely must not have read that line.

… Huh. Wonder how I missed that.

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Easy to miss, it’s one of the longer stories in the app so far.

I’d have to find my copy of NQP about the Blighted Ogrun for more info, that’s where her origin story is.

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She doesn’t have to be. I want to believe.
download (3)

Anamag is like that. She’s shady.

Also noted that Rhyas (and the inner voice of Saeryn) don’t even blink at Anamag not having a shard, like no surprise at all. The consume of blighted flesh and blood was probably enough for her. Toruk and the other dragons are able to blight, control and give powers, apparently without shard tricks, so it may be a case of Everblight experimenting.

Also, in order to create all the remaining Warlocks, the twins would need more shards or find another trick, specially if all the Saeryn’s Shard Warlocks also require that much energy.

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I have this mini. I’ll try to post a picture.

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Which one, this one?

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So after the Emergence finale, things are much different:

Rhyas and Saeryn: shared draconic body with two heads
Kallus: the new embodiment of Everblight, consumed whatever shards were left

Absylonia: dead, shard consumed by Blighterghast
Anamag: dead, no shard
Fyanaa: dead, shard consumed by Rhyas
Vayl: dead, anthanc shard consumed by Rhyas
Bethanye: dead, shard consumed by Thagrosh
Thagrosh: dead, shard unconsumed at end of story
Kryssa: dead, shard consumed by Rhyas
Lylyth: removed her athanc shard, likely to join the Khymaera

It will be interesting to see what happens with the curse affecting Pyromalfic that’s been passed to Everblight and the shards he “swapped out”, especially as it’s not clear who was affected by the swap. But I suppose that time will tell… especially since we don’t know if that curse spread to Blighterghast (through Absylonnia) and will make its way to Toruk at some point.

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Not confirmed but hinted that saeryn cosumed the large shard and will use it’s power + Vayl’ and Krissa’s to create the emberfrost shard’s warlocks(each khymaera warlock needs the energy ruthly equivalent to a shard of Anthac as per khymaera compendium), is unknown if the twins were aware of the curse on the Anthac, and it may not even affect them since their Anthac is altered by divine enrgy so it might be enough to cleanse or neutralize the curse, or even Saeryn abilitie to section and lock things in the Anthac crystal labyrinthine esoteric mental architeture.

Blighterghast and Torruk are in a whole other leven than Everblight and Pyromalfic ever were, so by the way Horruskh spoke of Blighterghast to Sabbreth it may sugest that they are powerfull enough to shrug off the curse, it may be a problem for Blighterghast since he is weaker now, Cryx has an aliance with the orgoth so negotiating for a cure its somewhat simple, thats all speculation so nothing is certain

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Thagrosh definitely lost his biggest shard piece. Rhyas/Saeryn ate it.

He didn’t care too much because it was the one corrupted with the Pyromalfic/Orgoth curse and the large shard was going to kill/corrupt him anyway.

That’s why he sent all his uncorrupted shard bits east and why he awoke in Kallus. The last page of Emergence Part 5 details this.

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