Why are Magnet Holes so Deep?

First of all, love the magnet holes as part of the mini designs. After doing surgery to multiple Menoth warjacks, it’s an enormous relief to magnetize my Dusk jacks and Khymaera beasts quickly and easily.

However, starting with Israfyl and the Eidolon alt sculpt, I noticed that the magnet holes seem to be significantly deeper than on my first Eidolon out of the Starter Box. When I found that the head and shoulder cannon weren’t locking onto the Alt Sculpt Eidolon because the magnets were too far apart, I was baffled, but stuck additional magnets in to make the parts connect properly. (so 2 small magnets in each hole, in body, head, and cannon - 8 magnets in 4 holes.) Annoying, but I had extra magnets, so not a serious problem.

When I got the Khymaera battlebox and started measuring, I was very baffled. Almost every hole, small and large, was 2 magnets deep, or deeper. I’ve been carefully filling holes with Green Stuff prior to magnet placement, but with a Vypix, Hydrix, and a Hydrix Head Pack, that’s a lot of individual holes to fill and check.

Is there a reason the magnet holes are so deep on these models? If it’s some structural or printing reason that’s fine, but it seems very odd that the holes are twice as deep when the dimensions of the magnets are known.

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Oof, that would be difficult to work with.

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definitely beats drilling a hole in a Crusader arm or a Revelator/Judicator that’s definitely not built for it. A Green Stuff fill is a little tedious, but nowhere near the aggravation. I just use a 1/8" dowel to tamp it down and make it smooth for the magnet.

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So, asking around, it seems to be fairly common and not just yours.
So, short of someone from PP chiming in with insights, we are left guessing.

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You can double them up for strength if you have enough depth, but what I do is put a glob of gel superglue, push the magnet flush making sure to clean the excess out.

I don’t want to spend a lot of magnets on models. Doubling up on my Israfyl was acceptable, but if I have to do it on all of the Hydrix heads it’s gonna suuuuuuuck.

Do you mean put the magnet flush to the surface and leave a pocket of air underneath? Because that sounds like it would be a little brittle.

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The “air pocket” underneath is filled with gel glue on mine. I put a generous amount in, make sure some excess squeezes out when I flush up the magnet, and clean up the socket. They are absolutely rock solid.

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However, these are all fixes for a design or production error.
It shouldn’t be necessary for the end user to do all of this.

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That was why I phrased my question that way - I don’t know enough about 3d printing or model design to know whether PP might need magnet holes to sometimes be deeper.

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I can’t imagine a reason why.