Legacy Prime "Cadre" selections

Right, I’m saying specifically about the Legion cadre thing that PP should have communicated better (by not using language that implies the cadre is set in stone) and also that generally the community needs to under that stuff changes. PP should have used different words to describe the Legion Cadre in particular, but I think the fans need to be more understanding that stuff changes in development when it comes to Cadres as a concept.


Which I realize and sympathize with. Asking about those out specifically is totally fair, and that’s what the OP was getting at. The Cadre system/mechanic/whatever for Legacy changing? That’s something else. Granted, as I pointed out, I’m very used to doing this for video games, computer stuff, etc., for a looooong time now.

And seeing @SaltTitan scooped me. Uhm… I owe you a coke?


I think its less the specifics or a “cadre” call out, and more the models that were desigmated for both armies. Like the ret example. Its almost like they took the easiest way out. 1 model that very very rarely gets used, and 1 cheap arcnode option. None of the faction defining support that was talked about at launch. Who didn’t assume arcanists would be in both ret armies? The army that got the jack strength buffing support, also has the jacks that “need it less”



Sorry, should’ve responded to this sooner, but have been caught in the cyclone of the move for past few weeks

“Cadre models” are models that are shared between the two armies within a faction.

For MKIV armies, cadres will be released as boxed sets and will be themed and designed to have roles in either force from conception. For Legacy, they organically populated as the lists were generated from a collection of models that already filled roles that may be desired in either.

When we stated something to the effect of: “…each Legacy cadre would be about five offerings likely consisting of support models and 120mm’s…” we were guessing based on what we were seeing of the first few armies being tackled. In the end we saw cohort models shared fairly often with some support models and some 120mm’s. In that sense it deviated as we didn’t anticipate as much cohort crossover.

The example offered for Legion was obviously premature conjecture since neither army was finalized at the time, but was presented to align players paradigms with what to expect. It wouldn’t be vast, aside from the 120mm’s you’d be looking at 3ish entries.

Our internal concept of what “cadre” meant never changed. The final cadres resemble our initial conjecture with some deviating further than others. Cadres weren’t something we were going to design or force separately, they were items that would naturally be shared due to a factions design or identity leaning on those elements.

A communication misstep was not highlighting the cadres as they released. In some cases people hoped strongly that sub-themes that didn’t make the Prime cut would reemerge as cadres. Speculation and wishful thinking spiralled leading to disappointment to find out there was nothing else coming (other than Colossals/Gargantuans).

In retrospect, the sooner we recognized cadres as they released the better we could’ve prepared players.

The Prime armies are indeed 99% complete aside from their missing 120mm models. Although we have no additional models that we specifically intend to add at this time, we reserve the right to add down the road if we feel it’s warranted.

Hope that answers some of the questions around cadres, even if belatedly.

Erik Reiersen


Erik - thanks for your thorough response.

Thank you!

While it would be annoying for your writers/editors, a disclaimer at the front of things might help future discussions. “Work in progress,” “not final,” “subject to change,” etc. As mentioned, that’s kind of my default on things due to having been a gamer for so long but I’m a little weird.

Thanks to everyone working back there to bring Legacy to Prime and Unlimited :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing this information.


I could see that, maybe give it a cool name “Musing and Meanderings” just to say, "these are just thoughts not set in stone’

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