Dead on Arrival release schedule?

I greatly enjoyed the Dead on Arrival first chapter, it’s cool to see my future faction more closely. Is a second chapter coming? If so, when? Is this a monthly release, or is Chapter 1 all we get from DOA?

In the past they didnt do a “release schedule” for the lore. Every Wednesday there is more lore but its not like Chapter1 this week and then next Wednesday Chapter2 etc. I would assume there is more coming as having a one off story with chapter 1, would be nonsensical.

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Very glad your’e enjoying it! Chapter 2 is in progress and a couple weeks out…stay tuned!

Thank you!


As a veteran of Archive Of Our Own, I’m used to unusual release schedules, understood! I just figured that everything had been written and pre-scheduled before release, but I do understand the difficulties of the creative process.

Typically, we’re working much further out in our publishing schedule and you would be correct. I stepped in on this particular one and while the first chapter was in the can well ahead of schedule, a couple things hit in my way last month and I need to finish the conclusion. It’s all in my head, though. Just need to get it down on the page.

Matt Wilson
Chief Creative Officer
Privateer Press

while the first chapter was in the can well ahead of schedule

Been there.

a couple things hit in my way last month

Been there.

It’s all in my head, though. Just need to get it down on the page.

Been. There.

Thanks for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it!