Athena 100 pt list for review

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this. I’m wondering what people think of this list.

Storm Legion General 2
Cygnar - Storm Legion
Grand Melee - 100 pts


    Captain Athena di Baro
        SPELL - Arcane Shield
        SPELL - Chain Lightning

10 Courser 1
2 HEAD - Arc Node
4 RIGHT ARM - Heavy Stormthrower
4 LEFT ARM - Electrified Shield

10 Courser 3
2 HEAD - Arc Node
4 RIGHT ARM - Heavy Stormthrower
4 LEFT ARM - Electrified Shield

16 Stryker 1
3 HEAD - Plasma Nimbus
8 RIGHT ARM - Electro Bombard
5 LEFT ARM - Galvanic Shield

4 Lieutenant Sara Brisbane

8 Courser 2
1 HEAD - Shield Guard
3 RIGHT ARM - Voltaic Spear
4 LEFT ARM - Electrified Shield

14 Stryker 2
3 HEAD - Plasma Nimbus
6 RIGHT ARM - Voltaic Halberd
5 LEFT ARM - Galvanic Shield

3 Sharpshooter

5 Arcane Mechaniks

10 Storm Lance Legionnaires

7 Stormguard Legionnaires

2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer 2

8 Stormthrower Legionnaires

2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer 1

1 Arcane Forces
Blessing of the Gods
Careful Reconnaissance
Hit & Run
Old Faithful


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What do you plan on doing with this list? Is it for Steamroller, or league play, or just general “take on all comers” at game night? :slightly_smiling_face:

All comers game night for narrative play

My first thought is “That’s a lot of warjacks.” :smile: Whether for good or ill, I can’t say!

If you’re playing the Resurrection League narrative scenarios, I’ll say that this list’s efficacy heavily depends upon the scenario.

I’ll have to go look at the exact options and spells to really fill out my thoughts. :slight_smile:

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Maybe I’ll pick up the Storm Cadre instead of extra jacks. Here’s a list where I’d only buy one additional jack.

Storm Legion General 2
Cygnar - Storm Legion
Grand Melee - 100 pts


    Captain Athena di Baro
        SPELL - Arcane Shield
        SPELL - Chain Lightning

10 Courser 1
2 HEAD - Arc Node
4 RIGHT ARM - Heavy Stormthrower
4 LEFT ARM - Electrified Shield

16 Stryker
3 HEAD - Plasma Nimbus
8 RIGHT ARM - Electro Bombard
5 LEFT ARM - Galvanic Shield

4 Lieutenant Sara Brisbane

8 Courser 2
1 HEAD - Shield Guard
3 RIGHT ARM - Voltaic Spear
4 LEFT ARM - Electrified Shield

3 Sharpshooter

5 Arcane Mechaniks

10 Storm Lance Legionnaires

6 Stormblade Legionnaires

2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer 3

7 Stormguard Legionnaires

2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer 2

8 Stormthrower Legionnaires

2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer 1

8 Tempest Assailers

9 Tempest Thunderers

Blessing of the Gods
Careful Reconnaissance
Hit & Run
Old Faithful
Power Swell


As a very generic recommendation, I’d say that the cadre does give you more options than more warjacks. :slight_smile:

I haven’t had the chance to really dive into this yet and provide thoughts about this, but I’ll try to do so in the next day or two. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t forgotten about this… I just get and stay very busy. :sweat_smile:

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