Timeline or updated roadmap?

The last roadmap I can find is from May, and I know things have changed. I am trying to remember when the khymaera army box is slated to be released. I thought I had heard something about December, but I don’t remember where I got that from. I would also like to see what else hasn’t quite been released.

Army box is december, wyvern and individual beasts/rassyk is january.

I dont think theres been an updated timeline for a bit but usually the solicitations are posted on wm/h general facebook.

It looks like PP stopped with the roadmaps all together which is imo a good thing. They weren’t being consistent with their announced release schedule and now have elected to announce thing in quarters which is way better.

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We have a post on this forum which contains all of this information. :slight_smile:

Here you go!

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