The Bokur Brawl 2024!

April 26-28th come to Manville NJ to check out the Bokur Brawl, the largest Warmachine only convention in the country!

We have an IG qualifier
The Bokur Big Base Brawl - 32 players and the top 16 win an extra Large/huge base model
Campaign in a Day -come and play the Black Tide Season 3 part 1 in one day
A Bridge Too Far Narrative Event: Attackers want to destroy the bridge, can the defenders hold them off?
The Cain Run: Can you get Cain and the hellsingers out of town before the angry Townsfolk bring them to account?
The Bokur Brawl Team Tournament: Our marquis 5 person team event
Don’t have a team? Sign up as a Mercenary and we will find you one!

Plus a painting competition and the Bokur Bazaar (Players bring whatever they want to trade/sell, or come with cash and make or get a deal)

Check out for all the details!

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