Question to targeting enemy model that is knockdown

Hello, i have a quick question to one game i had a few days ago. I played winter korps against house kallyss. My warcaster did stand right next to his mastodon warjack, my warcaster was charged attacked by the enemy’s invictus and thanks to a critical hit knockdown. He killed my caster with his melee attacks, but a question came into mind, could his invictus target my warcaster with his range attacks? Because they are not engaged with each other since my warcaster is knockdown and invictus is engaged with my mastodon, and he has no “gunfighter” wich means he should only be able to shoot at my mastodon. Is my assumption correct or can invictus shoot at my knockdown warcaster?

Hi, Invictus has duall attack so he can make charge move and as a first attack use range attack from obliterator. This results from the dual attack. As far as the charge is concerned, the first melee attack made after a charge move must be a charge attack. Ofcourse Obliterato don’t have a pistol icon so there must be +4 to def your caster because in that moment he was engaged by Invictus.

The answer above mine is incorrect (or it doesn’t answer the question at all; I’m not sure), unless there is an Infernal ruling of which I am unaware.

Although Invictus has Dual Attack and can make his initial ranged attacks if he chooses to make his initial melee attacks, the following core rule explains why your first thought was correct:
Because another enemy model is engaging Invictus, Invictus’ ranged attacks can only target models engaging him. Because knocked-down models are never engaged or engaging, and because Invictus lacks the Gunfighter rule which would override this requirement, he cannot target the knocked-down caster with his ranged attack.

(Also, please note that these forums get shut down in a couple weeks, and the Steamforged Discord will be the future repository for rules questions.)


I assume that invictus use range attack on model that was target of charge:
1, Invictus is charging
2, Invictus shoot target of charge and have critical on obliterator (critical knockdown)
3, Invictus use melee attack which have boosted dmg roll

I forgot that Battle Flail also have critical knockdown :slight_smile:

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No worries from me. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Good to know that this forum gets shut down soon, thats sad.)

You’re welcome, and yes, I agree. :slight_smile: