Question about Crucible Guard warcaster Gearhart

Just a quick question: If Gearhert finished shoot in his activation, then replaced his weapon by Mr. Clogg, can Gearhart shoot again? because he did not shoot the new weapon this activation.
If he can shoot again, can gearheart replace his gun with same gun on Mr. Clogg, then shoot again? For example. Gearhart now equipped with the Acid Cannon, can he replace this gun with Acid Cannon on Mr.Clogg, then shoot Acid Cannon again?

I am unable to quote at the moment, but I think this is covered by the Combat Actions section of the rules.

One of the choices is to “Make a number of initial attacks with its ranged weapons equal to the weapon’s rate of fire (ROF).”

If Gearheart doesn’t have the weapon swapped by Arms Caddy when his combat action starts, there’s no sensible way to claim that weapon is covered by the sentence in Combat Actions. (How can he have that weapon’s ROF at the start of his Combat Action?) Therefore, it seems sensible to conclude that he does not get any initial attacks with that weapon.

Because Arms Caddy is at “at any time” ability, if he uses it during his Normal Movement, he’ll have the weapon and can make initial attacks with it.

Clogg can target Gearheart with “Johnny on the Spot” to allow Gearheart to fire his weapon, giving Gearheart an out-of-activation attack with the swapped weapon, though.

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But this rule seems not clarify the exact timing to determine the ROF of the weapon? I mean, If I replace Gearhart’s weapon during the combat action, after the exchange, Gearhart will have the ROF of the new gun. If Gearhart shoot with his new gun now, he also meet the requirement of “Make a number of initial attacks with its ranged weapons equal to the weapon’s rate of fire (ROF).”
That is really confusing.

Logically you would determine ROF at the start of your combat action before making any attacks. How else could you make any attacks?


Exactly what Septic said. :slight_smile: Thank you!

I just still confused by this. Because in the Weapon Stat section, the example for ROF said

“The Orgoth Tyrant’s Quad Bolt Thrower has ROF d3+1. When the Tyrant’s controlling player declares the warjack is going to make ranged attacks with a Quad Bolt Thrower, that player first rolls a d3+1 and then can make up to number of attacks indicated”

It seems the ROF was determined when you choose use this weapon, not at the start of Combat Action?

“The Tyrant’s controlling player declares the warjack is going to make ranged attacks with a Quad Bolt Thrower”

  • the player chooses ranged initials for their combat action

“that player first rolls a d3+1”

  • determine ROF

“and then can make up to number of attacks indicated”

  • make attacks

Example language is not rules text, it is laying out how things play out on the table. But the order remains the same.