Athena feat and arcnodes

Pretty sure I got this right but I want to double check. Athena feat is “While in di Baro’s control range, models gain one additional dice on their attack rolls and damage rolls…” The enemy warcaster is outside of her feat range but their arcnode is in Athenas control range. Because the arcnode counts as the origin point of the attack per the channeler rules the attack and damage roll for a spell arced through it should include the additional feat dice correct?

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It is the model that is actually making the attack that will count for the Feat. So, that is the one that you will check, not the Arc Node.

To supplement: in this case, there’s a difference between being the Point of Origin and actually being the attacking model.

The model making the roll has to be in Athena’s CTRL. The arc node isn’t the attacker in this scenario; the caster is. The caster is only affected if it is in Athena’s CTRL.

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A model arcing a spell through the Arc Node would have to be in the control area to be affected. They will not be affected by the feat if they were outside the feat but the Arc Node was.

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