Armor Wash? which is best for using on bright metals?

Hi, I have been making armor wash with 1 part grey ink/ 1 part clear gloss/ 1 part water, but I was wondering if you all have any preferred armor wash? or recipe? particularly for using on bright metals like radiant platinum, brass balls, quicksilver.

I just use straight Armor Wash and then re-highlight after it’s dry.

On steel/platinum I’ll use thinned blue ink. On brass/gold, I’ll use thinned brown ink. It mutes the shine a bit, so I’d have to highlight/drybrush again with the matallic paint.

When painting steel I apply a steel basecoat, wash with Citadel Nuln Oil, then edge-highlight with a silver. For brass I will apply a brass basecoat, wash with Citadel Ogryn Flesh (don’t remember if it has a new name), then edge-highlight with a gold. For actual gold I will basecoat with a bright gold, wash with ogryn flesh, then edge-highlight with a bright silver, then I might glaze with a yellow ink to tint the silver up to a very bright gold.

Army painter Dark tone, strong tone or soft tone for me. I’ll use purple ink for golds as well.

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Yeah. Mixing some blue (ink) to steel metals, and some purple (ink) to shade yellow metals, makes them more natural and less “painted”.

And thinned Coal Black works as a shade for everything.

Rather than washing, I usually use multiple layers of glaze, adding progressively heavier glazes to the shadowy parts, but if I just need to get something quickly on the tabletop, using less diluted washes of the same can work.

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