Timing of attacks, attack rolls, and damage rolls

Looking for clarity on attack sequence. During a rules discussion, I encountered this comment, from a kickstarter (which really, REALLY makes me wish there were an official, consolidated FAQ and errata because a years-old KS comment seems like a really poor place to have a key point of clarity on a core rules mechanic).

Given that “nothing is simultaneous in Warcaster” I’m curious how sone atracks are timed, and in what order attack and damage rolls can be made.

Strafe: this is an initial attack, and addional attacks. Assuming I roll additional attacks, can I resolve these additional attacks before I resolve the initial attack?

Blast: assuming I hit the target, can I resolve the blast damage rolls before I resolve the direct hit?

Spray: the rules say this is a single attack, but can have more than one attack (and damage) roll. If a spray targets model A, but the line also crosses model B (providing an attack roll) do I resolve both to-hit rolls first? Or do I resolve attack and damage on A or B completely first?
Afterall, the combat rules instruct us to roll the attack roll first, then damage roll, but all in the singular. Theres no express rule regarding resolution of multiple attack rolls from a single attack.

Assuming A is hit, but B is missed, does the attack both hit and miss, for the purposes of abilities that trigger on hit or miss.
Additionally, if, as defender, I have an ability that triggers “after the attack is resolved” can I trigger that when the attack roll on A is resolved, or must we complete all attack and damage rolls first?

Basically, if nothing is simultaneous, why write the Spray rules different than strafe or the example of scything run in the KS comment?

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That’s a good question. I would think it’s in order of things. A, then B, then C, then D, etc.

Taking strafe from the wiki:

Strafe : After declaring an attack with this weapon and its target, roll one power die. For each strike rolled, you can make one additional attack against another model within 2" of the initial target. Each attack must target a different model. Additional attacks cannot generate additional Strafe attacks.

So the first attack generates the next attacks, but you would finish resolving it before going onto the others.

Likewise with Blast?

Target enemy model unit.

When this attack hits its target, resolve the attack against the target as normal. Additionally, when this attack hits its target the two models closest to the target that are also within 2" of it suffer a blast damage rolls equal to the POW of this attack. If this attack misses its target, the target still suffers a blast damage roll equal to the POW of this attack.

So you resolve the initial attack, then resolve the next two.


It sounds like it, but in light of the KS comment, and scything run example, the answer seems like it may be the opposite - do them in any order you like, resolving each in turn.

Hrm. For Scything Run specifically?

Scything Run: After advancing during its activation while charged, this model can make one melee attack against each enemy model it moved over while advancing.

No order specified, no initial target. So the KS comments seems to make sense for it.

For Spray?

Spray : When this model targets an Enemy with this attack, you can target up to two additional Enemies within this weapon’s RNG and within 3 spaces of the original target. Make one die roll and compare the results to each target individually. Attacks made with this weapon ignore Cover.

Hrm… This I could see being in any order as well.

I see what you mean with Strafe. I kind of think that dealing with the initial target would be best since you’re right there, mentally. I’m curious if the second target has to be within range of the weapon or if the wording is loose enough read as, “sure, it’s an inch farther than your weapon’s range but that’s how it reads so I can attack it anyhow.”

I just dont want to assume, just because its a certain way in Warmachine.

Which is quite understandable. I wonder if there’s errata covering it? Hrm.

Seems like you’ve quoted the Monpoc spray rules, here’s from the warcaster rulebook btw:

Spray weapons are devastating short-ranged attacks that can have the ability to hit several models.
A spray attack follows all normal targeting rules. When making a spray attack, measure the full range of the spray, centering it on the target model’s base.

Every model whose volume this line intersects can be hit by the attack unless the attacking model’s line of sight to that is completely blocked by terrain.
Make a separate attack roll against each model that may have been hit by the attack, including the original target. Spray weapons ignore cover."

As far as I’m aware the only clarification we have is the kickstarter comment that “nothing is simultaneous” and the wording on page 22, that determines that the active player chooses the order of their attacks. Is the sequence
a) target → attack roll 1 → damage roll 1 → attack roll 2 → damage roll 2 → … → “after the attack is resolved” triggers
b) target → attack roll 1 → attack roll 2 → damage roll 1 → damage roll 2 → … → “after the attack is resolved” triggers

b) seems very clunky to resolve so I don’t think that’s the intent but it’s not super clear. The main difference being how defensive buffs are resolved, like grafters for example.

Getting an official clarification on sprays in particular would be nice.

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I’ll take the case.

I can provide rules-quote-supported answers for all of these items.

…but I am really tired right now. Leaving this post as a placeholder. Will update tomorrow.

Please hold.

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Whoops. I forgot to come back to this.

I took the holiday week off and this slipped my mind.

I’ll try to come back soon-ish and wrap this up.