Store - Game Wizard & Blue Sky, Bremerton, WA, USA

Game Wizard and Blue Sky is a friendly little hobby store in Bremerton, WA, across Puget Sound from Seattle. In the basement is the Helms Deep Tavern, which has a spacious gaming area for both card and tabletop games, private rooms, and food and a wide? selection of beers. (I am not a beer drinker, can’t speak to that quality, but the food is decent.) We meet for Warmachine Thursday evenings around 5 ish.

There’s ample terrain and battlemats on the shelves, and objective markers stored around the game area. We try to be friendly and sportsmanlike, and I’ve never had a bad game at Blue Sky. A lot of losses (got my butt kicked by Dusk tonight), but I’ve had fun every time.

603 4th St, Bremerton, WA 98337
Discord: Game Wizard and Blue Sky Hobbies
There’s a Facebook page but I don’t use facebook.