Sky Bomber Crit Devaststion Question

On the wording here for crit devaststion it got me and my opponent confused. If it crits do all thoae hit by the AOE take pow 15 or Pow 8? It says instead of taking a blast damage roll the models take a hit equal to the balst damage of the weapon.

Is the intent to get around blast resistances by making it not blast damge (which is how ee played it) or is it referring to thr main pow of 15. The wording of this pargragraph had us all confused.


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Yeah, the way it is worded is that it isn’t Blast damage.

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So that means they take POW 8s?

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Correct, models directly hit take the POW 15, and models hit but not directly hit take an 8, because 8 is the blast damage POW.

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Right, makes sense. If I’m reading this right, if the model directly hit is thrown into another model, the collateral damage on the second model is also POW 8?

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Right just a lot of listing of Blast lol over and over. Confusing.

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The only reason I see it being worded the way it is is to ignore blast resistance.

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I have no opinion on the intent re: blast damage. :slight_smile: