Necroshark (Brine Thrall)

Modified with pectoral fins, painted for the limited palette challenge for pointaday.


Nice, looks good. I especially love the name there.

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Looks great, I love the flame/smoke!

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Looks great! I like the vibrant colors, it’s sure to stand out on the table.

May I ask what the fins are made of? I’ve been debating on if I should do the same for mine, I just haven’t figured out how I wanted to accomplish that.

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I made the pectoral fins from plasticard. A marine biologist had commented that without them sharks would have a very hard time maneuvering. I have two more to do, I think I will do theirs as metal plates with rivets.

I’ve been debating doing that with mine. I’m thinking my argument for not doing so will be that the tentacles could be used as a means of locomotion, just as some octopus species do over land. Plus, it needs some way to not float away while grinding it’s spike roller maw into someone

Thanks! Yeah, I was thinking I could make the fins more mechanical looking as well. I’ve got some plasticard sitting around, I may try that and greenstuff. Alternately, if I can find a mechanical shark .stl file I may try going the 3d print route as well. I’m just not sure if there’s a mechanical shark out there or not - I’ve seen plenty of zombie shark files though. I’ve got a couple other projects I’m working on at the moment but I’ll get to my shark thralls soon.