Gigantors Paint corner

Hi All!

I enjoy painting and WMH is my true love when it comes to mini games.

I occasionally paint stuff and when I do I paint fast.
Here are some of the stuff i was doing.

Thanks for checking it out :slight_smile:


Your dead elf warcaster on 50mm base is really nice! Can you name the color of your rust effect?

Wintercorps are interesting as well (but not as great as the elf :slight_smile: ), when I prepared mine, I was a bit worried about the 3D print “stairs” on top parts such as the great bear axe. I covered them under a small layer of “liquid” greenstuff that you can apply with a brush. Painted them and did not see the layers stairs anymore and wondered if it was really needed. I see it is really needed to avoid the pixelated layer effect on the top that catch light. I do not dare to photography my minis with such magnification factor, but you can check on my posts.


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Hi Pip,

It’s just khador red highlight to get the rust effects.

As far as any prep work, all i did was easy them in warm soapy water.

The winter corps are much more simple on purpose.
My intention is to own the whole faction and use them as my primary.

I own every faction at about 90% painted so most of the time is more about effectiveness and not spending to long on any one model


Your stuff looks very good!

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This looks great, Gigantor. Looking forward to seeing your stuff at international events again one day in the future :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the rust trick!

Simple with NMM? That looks pretty great! Looking forward to see the remaining!

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Hi everyone, I know its been a while.
Life had gotton in the way.

So this week, I’ve crazked out the paints in the few spare hours ive had and started hammering through the Khador!!


Your models look great, I really like your colour scheme. It reminds me of Sin City: a very stark black and white, with one bold eye-catching colour.


That’s awesome, i didn’t even make that connection.
But now it’s all ill think about when painting them haha

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For a few more models painted.

Next are arkinists and greylord dude.
Im looking forward to getting to the sniper Units


I’d love to see more of your dusk models painted in the same scheme as Hazaroth.

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He’s the test model.
The rest are on the way i ordered them on black Friday :blush:

In excited to do some more to be able to show off

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I got some more models painted.
Kicking into the last few for my 2 list now


Looks good!
But, but? What happened to your Angry dead elf warcaster on 50mm base? He got unpainted? Or cloned?
I am happy to see we are all struggeling with the numbering of pieces: Hello Great bear 02!
Happy painting,

Thanks Pip!

I have 3 of the base starters and im using the dead elf to try colour schemes.
I have 1 more i want to try before i decide.
The dead elfs are going to be more of a long term project of effort.
Rather than just getting it on the table like this Khador

Second last unit finished.
Now onto the last few for this 2 list!


I’ve finished the last 2 units for my 2 list.
Now starting the mercs for my pair!!


Your army looks great!

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Very striking yellow!
Like it a lot!

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The full army pic looks so good!

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