100 Point Steamroller at Mox Bellevue WA USA May 5th

SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY May 5th come down to Mox Bellevue for a 100 point warmachine steamroller! Doors open at 10 dice roll at 11 capped at 16 players.

Any proxies need to be approved beforehand please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Please pay your registration ahead of time here: Warmachine Steamroller Challenge This is the source of truth for who is in. Please also register and upload your lists on longshanks here: https://warmachine.longshanks.org/event/13929/ and finally we have a facebook event here if that’s your thing: Redirecting...

Entry fees go to store credit prizes for 1st, 2nd and best painted solo included in your pairing. Maybe some random raffle things too we’ll see.

I’m going to reiterate one more time that this event is SUNDAY not saturday. The mox schedule has been really packed lately so this was the only way we could run an event before june :expressionless:

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sounds fun! :slight_smile: that’s a ways off but i’ll mark my calendar now!