Pacific Northwest Winter Event Wrap Up

We have quite a bit going on locally in the next few months here in the Pacific Northwest. I’m doing a wrap up post to make sure the details are not lost.

The next Cascadia Championship Series qualifier (and Iron Gauntlet qualifier) will be the Broken Coast Barrage on February 10th. Details here:

That event will also be a Warcaster Neo Mechanica tournament and those details are here:

Please purchase your tickets early as we have venue costs to cover.

We are running a Journeyman Legue in town weekly at The Connection Games & Hobbies and those details are here.

It says warhammer currently but that’s being updated to Warmachine.

Some locals that are passionate are taking on the reins to do monthly steamrollers at the same shop. The first one will be January 28th and the details are here:

There is also 2 local steamrollers comming up this month, one in Bellingham: or contact Shawn Hopkins

And one in Victoria. Chech out Warmachine Victoria for details there or contact Bryan Skinner

Lastly there is a local convention I will be running warmachine events for. Event list tbd but it will take more of a casual event vibe depending on what the atendees vote for.

All details for our local events can be found on the Google calendar here:

Thanks Neil Ivan and Luke Rowan for stepping up locally to run the events oyt of the Connection.

Cheers kids.