Morgan's Iron Kingdoms Gearbooks (FMF Ruleset)

Double barreled scattergun

Cost: 120gc

Ammo: 2

Effective range: 48’(spry8)

Maximun range: -

Skill: rifle

Attack modifier: -2(one handed) 0( two handed)

POW: 12


Description: a double barreled heavy rifle made to shooot a hail of projectiles in a short range
Special rules: you may shoot with both barrels at the same time, this action can only be taken if both barrels are loaded this gun recives a +3 bonus to all to damage rolls(because of projectile saturation it does not incur the traditional -2 to hit this effect would incur).
Blasting powder, casing and projectiles for this weapon cost 1 gc per shot

Sawing off
Some prefer to sawn off their scatterguns to make them more portable and concelable
Special rules: to sawn off a scatter gun( either the normal or double barreled one) the character must make a difficulty 12 craft(gunsmithing), if the character fails the gun is damaged beyond repair and must be scrapped, if he succeeds the gun is sawned off.
A sawed off gun becomes a pistol instead of a rifle, can only be used one handed and becomes range 36’(spray6), but has a + 2 bonus to be concealed.