I just remenbered theres no rules to build a grolar on the FMF versin so here is my take
Autocanon(Heavy steamjack only)
Cost: 550gc
Type: Ranged
Location: Arm
Ammo: 50
Effective range: 48’(8")
Maximum range: 240’
Attack modifier: 0
Pow: 12
Description: Heavy double barreled automatic fire arm affized to the wrist of the ‘jack, gifted of an unmatched rate of fire, normaly used on the Khadoran grolar left arm, it has two ammo canisters one on its left and one on its right each carries 25 rounds.
Special rules: this weapon may only be fired once per round. However, it may be fired on burst mode, if fired on burst mod it spends ten(10) rounds of ammunition and ti makes D3+2 attacks against a primary target and up to 3 secondary targets up to 12’(2") from the primary target. Ignore intervening characters when declaring secondary targets. A secondary target cannot be targeted by more attacks than the primary target.
Ignore intervening characters
Reloading the autocannon outside of combat takes ten minutes and can be accomplished by any character with the Mechanikal Engineering skill without a die roll.
The autocannon fires metal-cased heavy infantry rounds. It costs 4 gc for blasting powder, bullets, and metal casings for five heavy rounds.
This weapon was designed especially for the Juggernaut chassis but can be integrated into any heavy steamjack arm with an Open Fist. Integrating an underarm metal storm into an
Juggernaut chassis’ arm system requires the proper tools, four hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering
Piston Hammer(Heavy steamjack only)
Cost: 1850gc
Type: Melee
Location: Arm
Attack modifier: 0
Pow: 6
Description: The piston hammer is a heavy mechanikal hammer used to deliver incredible force to batter oponents around, heavily damaging enemys and knocking them down so they are easyer targets for its own other weapons or alies with poor acurracy, normaly powered by an arcanodynamic acumulator.
Special rule: A steamjack must have a non-crippled arm system with an Open Fist to pick up the quake hammer. While wielding the quake hammer, the steamjack cannot make attacks with the fist that holds the weapon. If the arm system holding the quake hammer is crippled, the steamjack can continue fighting with the weapon but suffers the penalties for the crippled system.
During this model activation, when this model hits an enemy model, the enemy model is knocked down, aditionaly can be pushed 6’(1") and you can follow up to 6’(1").
If this weapon does not have a functional accumulator, its POW is reduced to 5, it gains an attack modifier of –1, it loses its l effect.
Fabrication: The material cost for the piston hammer housing is 360gc it takes at least four weeks of work, the pertinent craft skill is craft(metalworking).
The runeplate takes four weeks to engrave and a sucefull test against a t dificulty is 16 INT+mechanikal engeniering skill.
Combine arms module
Cost: 600
Description: the Combined arms module is a cortex module that allows the ‘jack to useits melee and ranged weapons in tandem simultaniusly, making hybrid’ jacks a possibility allowing them to use its full complement of weapons instead of only part.
Special rules: This model can make melee and ranged attacks in the same activation, this model may after making its initial melee attacks make its initial ranged attacks. this model may not make ranged attacks after making a power attack.
This model ignore the penalty to use ranged weapons on melee while engaged.