Duelist II
Cost: 11460Gc(5700 Chassis+2700 Custom cortex+ 300 deflection protocol+ 300 enhanced combat reflex+300 dual cannon+1800 mechanical estoc+300 powerful attack rune+50 rune plate+10 alchemical capacitor)
Description: The duelist II warjack is an elite expensive, notoriously expensive, made by top brass for the elite warcasters core of llael, they are effective fighting machines, however they are not cost effective military assets, now the originals are a rarity, based on the already rare Vanguard chassis, costing the almost double of its antecessor, introduced only a decade before the khadoran conquest of llael, only being produced one for each two months little more than 60 were produced and less than 20 escaped destruction or capture.
Armament: The duelist II comes stock with a mekanical estoc(Morgans iron kingdoms gearbook volume 1) on its right hand, a dual cannon(iron kingdoms kings,nations and gods) on its left arm, and both a deflection protocol and enhanced combat reflex with a custom cortex capable of switching between those upgrades.
Cortex: The duelist II cortex only works on a vanguard chassis, the cortex has a physical modified couplings that allow it to attach and detach from different modules that normally wouldn’t work together, a steamjack with this custom cortex can use a fast action to switch the benefits from a Enhanced combat reflexes to deflexion protocols or the other way around.
(The increased perception does increase its defense to 14)
In all other aspects this cortex is equal to an arcanum grade cortex.
Enhanced combat reflex(Light only)
Cost: 300gc
Description: An advanced module that allows a steamjack to achieve great heights of bladsmanship on the defensive aspect.
Special rules: When equipped with a bladed melee weapon without reach this Steamjack gains +2 def against melee attacks
If the cortex system is crippled the steamjack loses this benefit.
Normally by its nature this upgrade is incompatible with Deflection protocols upgrade.
Adding the Enhanced combat reflex to a steamjack requires the proper tools, six hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Having Enhanced combat reflex integrated into a steamjack costs an additional 80 gc
Deflection protocols(Light only)
Cost: 300gc
Description: A module thats attached to the cortex allowing a steamjack with a bladed weapon to calculate and intercept projectiles.
Special rules: When equipped with a bladed melee weapon without reach this Steamjack gains +2 def against ranged attacks
If the cortex system is crippled the steamjack loses this benefit.
Normally by its nature this upgrade is incompatible with Enhanced combat reflex upgrade.
Adding the Deflection protocols to a steamjack requires the proper tools, six hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Having Deflection protocols integrated into a steamjack costs an additional 80 gc