Cost: 400(light) 600(heavy)
Description: a array of metal spikes affixed to the steamjacks hull, with the intention of harming opponents that attack it in melee, those spikes are big and spaced enough to not be a hindrance during maintenance, however this has the unfortunate effect of making this upgrade ineffective against small targets.
Special rules: when this model is hit by a model of medium or larger base with a melee weapon without reach, the attacking model suffers D3 damage points, unless this model was destroyed.
Adding Porcupine to a steamjack requires the proper tools, six hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have Porcupine added to a steamjack costs an additional 75 gc.
Cost: 500(light) 750(Heavy)
Description: an array of spring loaded razor sharp blades added to a stem jack’s hull, loved by ruthless mercenary commander but hated by the mekanics that have to work on ‘jacks for simple mistakes could cost them fingers.
Special rules: when this model is hit by a melee weapon without reach, the attacking model suffers Unboostable POW 8 damage roll unless this model was destroyed.
Mekanichal Engineering tests on jacks with this upgrade have a +2 added to their difficulty, additionally every time a character working fails a mekanichal engineering test on this jack he suffers Unboostable POW 8 damage roll.
Adding Bladeback to a steamjack requires the proper tools, six hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have Bladeback added to a steamjack costs an additional 75 gc.