Tempest Bracer [Arcanomechanikal Tool]
Cost: 700 gc (accumulator cost not included)
Description: Worn on a gun mage’s off hand, a set of tempest bracers allows a team of gun mages to coordinate their abilities with frightening efficiency by granting each member of the team the ability to use their rune shot spells on the rune bullets loaded into one another’s magelock. Tempest bracers are powered by arcanodynamic accumulators.
Rune Points: 4
Special Rules: While the tempest bracer is powered, a gun mage wearing the bracer can use a quick action to cast one or more rune bullet spells on a rune bullet currently loaded into the magelock wielded by another gun mage in their Control Area who is also wearing a powered tempest bracer attuned to the caster’s bracer. This is a form of channeling and affected by all spells, abilities and effects that affect channeling (see IKRPG, pp. 233-234, for further details on channeling).
A gun mage can still cast additional rune bullet spells on a rune bullet already charged by another gun mage in this way, but as usual may not cast duplicate spells.
If the target gun mage is not currently wielding a firearm loaded with a rune bullet in one of their hands, tempest bracers cannot be used to charge their rune bullet. If the firearm loaded with a rune bullet is not a magelock gun, the rune bullet can still be charged via the tempest bracers, but the firearm may be damaged in the process (see “Imperfect Instruments” in IKKNG, p. 244, for details on firearm damage due to rune bullet spell use).
Tempest bracers must receive runeplates that have been specifically attuned to each other. Any number of tempest bracers may form part of an attuned set; crafting a new runeplate attuned to already existing tempest bracer runeplates requires the mechanik to either have access to exact plans used to craft the already existing runeplates, or to remove the runeplate from one of the bracers and have access to it throughout the inscribing process.
Fabrication: The material cost of a tempest bracer’s parts is 40 gc. It takes three weeks to construct the device. The pertinent Craft skill for construction is Craft (metalworking).
A tempest bracer’s runeplate takes four weeks to inscribe and requires a successful INT+Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 16.
Comments welcome, as usual.