Corbenstar [Steamjack Hand System Weapon]
Cost: 1,400 gc (light steamjack) / 1,800 gc (heavy steamjack) (arcanodynamic accumulator not included)
Type: Melee
Location: Arm
Ammo: 3 (light steamjack) / 5 (heavy steamjack)
Attack Modifier: 0
POW: 3 (light steamjack) / 5 (heavy steamjack)
Description: A fusion of alchemical and mechanikal principles, this mechanikal mace was fittingly named after the Ascendant patron of alchemy. An armoured compartment mounted underneath the mace’s grip contains the weapon’s arcanodynamic accumulator as well as an ammo wheel holding a number of alchemical charges which, when fired, cause the mace’s hollow head to erupt in a mechanikally sustained alchemical reaction that grants the weapon different traits, depending on what alchemical charge was used. While not as efficient as a true mechanikal weapon runeplate, the Corbenstar has the advantage of unparalleled tactical versatility, for almost no cost when compared to the price of a mechanikal runeplate or weapon.
Rune Points: 4
Special Rules: A steamjack must have a non-crippled arm system with an Open Fist to pick up a Corbenstar. While wielding the weapon, the steamjack cannot make attacks with the fist in which it holds the weapon. If the arm system holding the weapon is crippled, the steamjack can continue fighting with the weapon, but suffers the penalties for the crippled system (see IKRPG, p. 315).
Once per turn, a steamjack equipped with a Corbenstar may trigger one of the charges in its ammo wheel to gain that charge’s alchemical properties. When doing so, the Corbenstar discards any remaining reaction tokens on it, and then gains three reaction tokens. Starting in the steamjack’s next turn, the Corbenstar then discards one reaction token in each Maintenance Phase. When the steamjack cannot discard a reaction token in its Maintenance Phase, the Corbenstar loses its alchemical properties again.
The following alchemical charges have been fabricated so far, though it will undoubtedly not take long for more to be developed:
Acid: The Corbenstar deals 1 additional point of corrosion damage. On a critical hit, the target suffers the Corrosion continuous effect. Acid charges cost 40 gc per charge.
Ashes of Urcaen: The Corbenstar can strike incorporeal characters. Additionally, incorporeal characters hit by the weapon lose the Incorporeal ability for 1d3 rounds. Ashes of Urcaen charges cost 75 gc each.
Cinder: The Corbenstar deals 1 additional point of fire damage. On a critical hit, the target suffers the Fire continuous effect. Cinder charges cost 30 gc per charge.
Rust: Steamjacks and characters wearing metal armour hit by the Corbenstar suffer -2 ARM for one round unless they are immune to corrosion. This reduction in ARM is not cumulative. Rust charges cost 30 gc per charge.
The alchemical charges for a Corbenstar are produced in similar ways to alchemical grenades, and have the same cost (see IKRPG, p. 297). Though they cannot be used as grenades, their alchemical contents can be reworked into grenades, and the other way round.
Morgan’s Note: Don’t forget that a powered Corbenstar is still mechanika, and thus still counts as a magical weapon.
Changing the ammo wheel of a Corbenstar does not require a roll, and can be done in battle by a character in B2B with the steamjack wielding a Corbenstar as long as neither the steamjack nor the character changing the ammo wheel is engaged in melee. Changing the ammo wheel takes two full actions – one to remove the old ammo wheel, and one to install the new one. Two characters may work in concert to switch out an ammo wheel within one round.
Additional ammo wheels can be purchased for 25 gc (light steamjack Corbenstar) or 35 gc (heavy steamjack Corbenstar).
When a Corbenstar becomes unpowered, attack rolls made with it suffer a -1 attack roll penalty. Any remaining alchemical charges can still be triggered, but the Corbenstar does not gain reaction tokens any more (so the effects will only ever apply for one round). Additionally, without the mechanikal systems protecting the weapon itself, firing alchemical charges that increase the Corbenstar’s damage risks damaging the weapon: On a roll of 1 on 1d6, the Corbenstar’s mechanikal systems are damaged to the point of becoming non-functional, and must be repaired by a character with the Mechanikal Engineering skill (This is handled like repairing an arc node; see IKRPG, p. 319, for details).
Fabrication: The material cost of the parts for the Corbenstar’s housing is 240 gc for the light steamjack version, and 540 gc for the heavy steamjack version. It takes three weeks to construct the device. The pertinent Craft skill for construction is Craft (metalworking).
The Corbenstar’s runeplate takes four weeks to inscribe and requires a successful INT+Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 16.
Comments welcome, as usual.