"Hailing roar"Deck sweeper gun(Heavy steamjack only)
Cost: 150
Type: ranged
Location: head
Ammo: 1
Effective range: 36’(spry6")
Maximun range:-
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 12
Description: a crude bore loaded scattergun mounted normally on the lower central part of a ‘jacks head where it were a living being with non distorted anatomy its mouth would be.
Special rules: Reloading this weapon takes a assistant a full round.
Blasting powder, casing and projectiles for ammunition costs 5gc
Mounting a Deck Sweeper gun on a steamjack requires the proper tools, two hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have a Deck Sweeper gun mounted on a steamjack costs an additional 50 gc.
Dual deck Sweeper guns(Heavy steamjack only)
Cost: 450
Type: ranged
Location: head
Ammo: 2
Effective range: 36’(spry6")
Maximun range:-
Attack modifier: 0
POW: 12
Description: a crude pair of bore loaded scatterguns mounted in parallel on a ‘jacks head, normally on opposite sides.
Special rules: A steamjack who discharges both barrels together makes a single spray attack, adds +3 to all damage rolls(because of projectile saturation it ignores the -2 to hit roll this rule normaly incurs).
Reloading each barrel of this weapon takes a assistant a full round.
A steamjack may buy a second attack with this weapon or make a second attack with the anciliary attack drive.
Blasting powder, casing and projectiles for a round of ammunition costs 5gc.
Mounting a Dual deck Sweeper guns on a steamjack requires the proper tools, two hours of labor, and a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the roll fails, it can be repeated after another hour of labor.
Paying to have a Dual deck Sweeper guns mounted on a steamjack costs an additional 100 gc.