Morgan's Iron Kingdoms Gearbooks (FMF Ruleset)

My girlfriend convinced to make this one first


Cost: 500cg+
Description: an exotic small simean brought from the lands of zu. It can be trained to protect its bonded master and help with small tasks
Special rules: a character with a monkey gains the monkey bite ability( living enemy models engaged by this model recive -2 to attack rolls). Aditionaly a character may gain an additional fast action to reload a gun , pull a grenade pin pick up a small object, or do anything a small monkey could feasibly do at the game masters discretion, if you use this fast action you lose monkey bite untill your next activation.
A character with a monkey hit by an AoE or attack with range Spray and suffers five damage or more from that roll on a 1-2 the monkey is injuried and losses all rules for a week, on a 3-6 nothing happens, if the character rolls a 1-2 while the monkey is injuried it dies.
For the purpuses of targeting the monkey it has DEF: 16 ARM: 5 VIT: 5, and always has cover against ranged attacks
A monkey must be trained, training a monkey takes four weeks at the end the character must make a animal handling test of dificulty 15, if the test is a fail it can be undertaken again in a week time. A untrained monkey cannot grant you the extra fast action and also grants you a -2 to attack rolls