Morgan's Iron Kingdoms Gearbooks: FMF Liber Mechanika

Field Integration Servitor [Cyriss-Tech]

This servitor is equipped with a complex multi-lensed vision apparatus that renders it capable of perceiving the delicate energy lattices that make up power fields and force fields, as well as multiple thin limb stalks that, while too weak to inflict physical damage or manipulate physical objects, are equipped with specialised emitters and energy sinks that allow it to both reweave and unweave power field protections.

6 6 3 3 3 3 1 3
Initiative DEF ARM WIL
12 12 13 7

[DEF includes a -1 armour penalty. ARM includes a +7 natural armour bonus.]

Damage Boxes: 6
Command Range: 1
Base Size: Small
Armament: Field Manipulator Array (Melee; MAT 3, POW -, POW+S -; Dismantle Field: On a successful attack roll against a character equipped with a power field or force field, the target either suffers 1d3 damage to its power field or force field, or reduces its ARM bonus for overboosting its power field or force field by 1d3 for one round. The Field Manipulator Array inflicts no damage to characters without power fields or force fields.)

Morgan’s Notes: The reduction to the ARM bonus for overboosting a power field or force field is cumulative if more than one field integration servitor attacks the same character in one round, but can at most make overboosting completely ineffectual, and will never reduce the target character’s non-overboosted ARM.

Construct: This character is not a living character and never flees.

Field Manipulation: While within B2B of a friendly character equipped with a power field or force field, this character can forfeit its action to grant one of two benefits to the target character, who must be in this character’s front arc:

  • Immediately restore 1d3 boxes of damage to the target character’s power field or force field. Any number of field integration servitors can work on repairing the target character’s power field or force field each round.
  • Grant the target character +2 ARM against the next damage roll that impacts their power field or force field. This bonus applies until the target character next suffers a damage roll, until this character and the target character are no longer in B2B with each other, or until this character’s next Maintenance Phase, whichever comes first. Up to two additional field integration servitors can work to shore up a single target character’s power field or force field at the same time, and the ARM bonuses are cumulative, though they cannot exceed +5.

Morgan’s Notes: Remember that if a character is destroyed, it is of course no longer in B2B with another character.

Pathfinder: This character can move over rough terrain without penalty.
Steady: This character cannot be knocked down.

Detection [PER] (2): 5
Sneak [AGL] (2): 5

Comments welcome, as usual.

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