Iron kingdoms community hub migration

For the record, I’d like to make a few points regarding using discord as a forum here:

  1. Discord threads are poorly organised as is; many discussions would require separate sub-threads to be set up for these discussions to take place, as otherwise there are going be several intermingled conversations in the same main thread that will make it impossible to find a particular topic of interest.
  2. Discord posts seem to be difficult to hyperlink (this may be my lack of familiarity with discord, however), which can make longer posts or series of posts difficult to organise (I’d like to offer one of my own threads as a case in point, which starts with a hyperlinked table of contents: Morgan's Iron Kingdoms Gearbooks: FMF Liber Mechanika).
  3. Discord posts are very short compared to forum posts here and offer limited formatting options, which can be a problem for matters like adventure material or other content suggestions like mechanika, magic or creatures (I have in the past year always posted links to posts in this forum on discord instead of putting entries on discord directly, except for short summaries).
  4. Related to the previous point, linking to PDFs on other sites seems to me to be a poor substitute for getting a post you can read directly and comment on without any fuss, including quoting and hyperlinking sections of a post you would like to discuss further.
  5. This may again be my unfamiliarity with discord, though I have received similar requests from others on this forum, but finding and joining a server on discord seems to be non-trivial, as I have been asked to send other users invitations to the old Privateer Press server on discord before.