Iowa Warmachine

Just looking to see if there are any players in Iowa. I live in Ankeny and am new to the game. It dose not look like there are any stores that have a Warmachine or Warcaster night around here.

Unfortunately I’m 2 and half hours away from you. Quad Cities iowa side.

There use to be a Des Moines meta. But we haven’t had any contact with them since mk2.

We are slowly building a new meta locally. If you want i can keep you in mind if we do any all day Saturday events. I know its a drive.

Yah thats kind of a trek. Thanks for the invite but thats a little far out possibly for something special. Good luck with growing the area.

100% understand.

Are last local meta did a really terrible job of staying in touch with players outside of the QC area. So if you do find any one keep us in mind. I’d like to do a better job of staying in touch this time around.

We definitely won’t be running anything special until next year. If we run any tournaments I’ll post about them.

Good luck.