Are these forums DOA

If you could pin the stuff from War Budgies and SmashU, that would be helpful. Alternatively, I’d be willing to create a new topic with all of the relevant communoty resources in one spot if you could pin that.

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The Hub is definitely still getting it’s feet under it a bit but it’s got a lot of potential. I’ll admit I don’t personally follow MonPoc super closely but I know it’s got a pretty good following, just needs some time for users to migrate over.

We’re having similar discussions about Tags vs Subcategories over in the Warmachine category; once everyone gets the hang of tags and the tag list gets filled out it should make things a lot easier :slight_smile:

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Shoot me a PM with what you would like stickied and you thoughts on what tags etc you would like to see. I am happy to try and help

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Hey Everyone,

Things are defiantly not. Roll out on this is going to be a growing process and becoming more robust over time.


Try rulesfaq for tags. You can also request admin make additional tags.

Can the tags be made to show all available tags? At the moment finding the right one requires it to either show up, know what you are typing/searching for already. A large checklist somewhere would be helpful.


I’ll echo what Malkav said: tags don’t seem to automatically populate, and I can’t seem to manually add tags.

For example, I started a new post and tagging it with “Khador”, but that tag either doesn’t exist or didn’t register when I tried. I did similar tests with known tags I had already seen, but it wasn’t working for me. :slight_smile:

The only tags I see populated are:


…Which also happen to be tags for posts to which I have replied. (As far as I can tell.)

Some tags are restricted to specific categories. For example there’s definitely posts tagged with #khador in the #warmachine category. It’s possible they are case sensitive maybe?

Definitely still working out some kinks.


A lot of the tags are either nonexistent or very difficult to find. As far as I can tell there’s no tag for rules questions, for instance which seems like a bit of a problem.

Edit: Apparently I can create tags, so there is now a “rules” tag.


Sorry for being a bit late to the party, but I felt this needed comment.

Discourse has the great benefit of being malleable. We’re in the early stages of a newly formed community forum, so things are still rough on the edges (and probably all the way toward the center), but it has the potential to evolve, feature-wise. I have used a Discourse-based forum for a few years elsewhere, and once you (and the admins) get the hang of things, it’s really very versatile and easy to use.

I’m not a great fan of the current interface or layout of this forum either, but at this point, creating all the subcategories we used to have back in the golden says of Faction forums would result in a lot of empty categories. I’m sure more will be added, and the contents restructured, as we and PP figure out what people want to discuss here.


The technology PP used to be is new, but sometimes you got to take a gamble. I am hoping that work on the lay out. I have see overtime having to many random threads can be a nightmare.

Hopefully their is a way for admins to pin threads


I do hope there is a better way to organise the sight with this tech. Something like a forum with a tag system?

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We are working on the tag system currently, there are kinks in it that we need to iron out